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The Spirituality of The Daughters of Divine Promise is expressed in contemplation of The Triune God with deep fraternal charity and zeal for apostolic action. 

The perfection of Christian life consists specifically in charity, which is love of God. Members are required and expected to nurture God’s Divine Presence within by monthly recollection and annual retreats. Members are also obligated to lead others to explore and discover the Divine Supreme Being who is Love itself. 

The Founder's intent is to ardently strive to foster, develop and favor all means of prayer (private/community prayers). Liturgy of the hours, meditation on the scriptures 

on which hinge the fundamental virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity – The Evangelical Counsels kept alive within us and all around us. The central part of the life of the Community is The Liturgy. Liturgical life, meaning all those prayers and rites by which the Catholic Church manifest Herself as One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. The greatest gift that Christ endowed His Church with is His Institution Of The Sacrament of The Holy Eucharist. 

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